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  • (OK) API calls

  • (OK) NPS, eNPS & brands

  • (OK) US Federal Reserve Economic Data calls (FRED)

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  • (OK) Univestment universe - latest update Friday August 16th, 2024

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In this section we will post all release notes, release updates and important information related to VingeGPT.

RELEASE 20240906 - Improvement of the financial metric search function to avoid limitations of OpenAI's underlying ChatGPT engine with error message "ResponseTooLarge". The financial metric search function fetches dynamically the financial metrics asked by the user.

RELEASE 20240905 - Improvement of the brands search function to correctly fetch multiple brands linked to one single company like LVMH

RELEASE 20240831 - Improvement of the general instructions related to "current" and "latest" search terms.

RELEASE 20240824 - Expansion of investment universe adding 20 companies.

RELEASE 20240823 - Improvement of the investment universe screener. The screener understands now the industry as well as a supplemental filter. Users can filter with prompts like "find me undervalued companies in the Automotive industry". Also the 2nd conversation starter (which is the investment universe screener) has been modified and adds the industry of the undervalued company into the result.

RELEASE 20240820 - Improvement of the L2 analysis which should ALWAYS provide the assumptions used for growth, discount rate and years used

RELEASE 20240818 - Vinge just got a great upgrade to further help us in our investment journey while staying in a single analysis environment with the incorporation of a NEWS module. Users can prompt Vinge with prompts like "what are the latest news about Apple", "show me the news for Apple only for the year 2023", "how many news did you find ?", "only show me the 3 most relevant news sorted by relevance score starting with the highest relevance score". On top of that when replying back users get the URL to the news site to be able to read the full articles. What we did as well, we fine tuned the model and are prefiltering news that have a relevance score above 50% otherwise you will get spammed with articles that may mention the company but the relevance is very low.

RELEASE 20240817.a - Correction of a mismatch when searching for brand values for specific company names

RELEASE 20240814.a - Improvement of the search for Top NPS

RELEASE 20240813.1 - Improvement of the search function for Top brands. An improvement of the search function for Top NPS and eNPS will follow in next release.

RELEASE 20240811.2 - Improvement of the "macroeconomic analysis" and inclusion of the macroeconomic analysis into the fine-tuned knowledge of VingeGPT.

RELEASE 20240810.2 - Added an aggregated understanding for VingeGPT about "macroeconomic analysis" or "economic situation". Users can now prompt the model for example "what is the current economic situation" and VingeGPT will provide a first grouped set of economic metrics from the US Federal Reserve. Of course any economic metric from the Federal Reserve can be requested and an API call to the FRED backed done by VingeGPT. A Youtube about this will follow in upcoming days and be added to the VingeGPT training on Udemy.

RELEASE 20240810.1 - Efficiency improvement on the US Federal Reserve data fetching process/API calls by better interpreting observation dates start & end

RELEASE 20240809.1 - Small improvement on "time" comprehension by VingeGPT in general instructions. Addition of >200 British companies expanding investment universe to 1866 companies. The complete list of companies can be downloaded as a comprehensive Excel file from the ⁠investmentuniverse channel on Discord

RELEASE 20240808.1 - Improvement of the Level 2 Price to Book ratio interpretation

RELEASE 20240803.1 - Integration of the US Federal Reserve macro indicators though API calls. You can see the exact comparison in this example for "Delinquency Rate on Credit Card Loans for All Commercial Banks". The connection to the US Federal Reserve database is done through our backend allowing you to have a myriad of databases available to you.

RELEASE 20240731 - Improvement of the general instructions of the GPT including improvements in the interpretation of the Level 1 tests. The Level 1 tests can also now be referred to as fundamental tests.

RELEASE 20240730.2 - This release enhances the search function. When searching for a company, if one or more companies have been found, the search function will now systematically provide the company name, ticker & industry back as result and not only a YES/NO answer

RELEASE 20240730.1 - Enhancement of the competitors search function initiated from a company name. VingeGPT shall retrieve the list of competitors for a specific company from its competitive cluster information if available

RELEASE 20240728.1 - Minor improvement on industry analysis

RELEASE 20240727.1 - This release includes the migration and redesign of the Level 3 NPS & Brands analysis and also the Industry analysis to leverage the power of our new AWS architecture.

RELEASE 20240726.2 - This release includes a bug correction in the search cascade algorithms related to incident 20240726 that can be found in ⁠bug-reports-incidents on Discord

RELEASE 20240726 - Improved conversation starter related to visualisation and explanation of data dictionary. When clicking on the 3rd conversation starter the following prompt will be executed by Vinge : "show your data dictionary grouping the datapoints by dataset name. provide an explanation and purpose of each dataset. The 1st column being the dataset, the 2nd column being a comma-separated enumeration of the data points and the 3rd column being the count of data points per dataset"

RELEASE 20240725.b - Bug correction on time information related to financial metrics reported by @Joerg . The release corrects the API call parameter issue. Users can now request financial metrics known to VingeGPT with or without time indication. The time indication can be something like "the latest", a specific date and internal that could be "from 2015 to 2020" or an interval specifying more precisely the interval "June 1st 2020 to July 1st 2023". Remember that VingeGPT using OpenAI as large-language model engine, VingeGPT will make its best efforts to understand the date format submitted hence we are not obliging a specific date formatting to be submitted. We have been extensively testing over the last 2 days and we consider solid to be deployed. With thanks. The VingeGPT team

RELEASE 20240725.a - Examples of prompt sequence : "do you have Procter in your companies ?", "what is their latest ROIC ?", "how was the ROIC on July 12th 2023 ?", "how has the ROIC evolved since 2015 ? can you show me the results in a comprehensive graph". For the 3rd prompt we specifically used a date for which no financial information is available. with thanks. The VingeGPT team

RELEASE 20240724 - Passive search in investment universe migrated to new AWS backend. The Passive Search is the second conversation starter with the new modified prompt "search for 10 companies with a "Market Cap" above 10000, with a “Price/Earnings” ratio below 15, a “Price/Book” ratio below 3, a “Debt to Equity” ratio below 3, a “Dividend Yield” above 3, a “ROIC” above 6 and having a “Return on Assets” above 6. Format your answer in a comprehensive table, adding a number as first column and the date of the data as second column to the table as well for each line. Sort the table by market cap and use "," as thousands separator"

RELEASE 20240723 - Bug correction on Level 3 analysis looping indefinitely when trying to fetch data

RELEASE 20240722 - New VingeGPT version (release 20240722) with a huge performance boost. The first time you will use it will be normal that you will see a connection request to which is our backend running on Amazon Web Services. We recommend you to respond 'Always Allow' to avoid being asked each time. We hope that you will appreciate this boost in performance and response times. Over the upcoming days we will migrate a couple more functions to the new AWS backend. with thanks. The VingeGPT team.

RELEASE 20240713 - Homogeneous taxonomy in industry attractiveness to facilitate interpretation before publishing video about tutorial how to use industry analysis

RELEASE 20240711 - Restructuring of AD3 and Industry database with improvement in general instructions

RELEASE 20240710 - Bug correction on industry analysis linked to cost of capital dataset of Aswath Damodaran merging both datasets into one single dataset for increased efficiency.

RELEASE 20240707 - We are announcing today with the latest release of VingeGPT, the availability for our users to perform industry analysis. All of our 1.500+ companies are clustered amongst 139 industrial clusters. Every industrial cluster carries very specific information, including list of competitors inside the cluster, strategic elements like the risks of technology disruption, capital intensity, different barriers to entry, if the industry benefits of network effects, precalculated C4 and C2 concentration ratios and much more. This is only the first version of industry analysis as we plan to develop this further to help our users. Every industry has a global industry attractiveness rank between and 1 and 139. An educational video on how to use the industry analysis enhancement will be made available in upcoming days on our Youtube channel and in the official VingeGPT training on Udemy Enjoy the new version. The VingeGPT team

RELEASE 20240624 - We are announcing today the inclusion of the Indian stock exchange NIFTY50 index representing the largest companies as requested a couple of days ago by @Vikram . From our 3 databrokers it was interesting to observe that only 1 was providing us the information. Hence pay attention to the fact that currently you only have the annual reports from those 50 Indian companies between January 1st 2020 and today available representing around 12.000 financial datapoints for the Indian market added to our investment universe. Thanks

RELEASE 20240618 - We have released today a new version of VingeGPT that contains 18 years of financial information with 1.7M financial datapoints.

RELEASE 20240615 - We have released this morning a new version that includes 4 supplemental companies in Aerospace & Defense as per feature request by @Joerg . The companies addedd are Rheinmettal AG (RNMBF), Hensoldt AG (HNSDF), Leonardo SpA ADR (FINMY), THLEF (Thales). The datapoints added currently are : June 14, 2024, December 31, 2023, December 31, 2022, December 31, 2021, December 31, 2020. Starting next week those companies will be updated weekly. with thanks, the VingeGPT team

RELEASE 20240614 - dear Vingers, happy to announce today an important upgrade/increase of the data points available by adding for 1.065 companies of our investment universe the financials of the 10K/annual closing reports for the fiscal years FY20, FY21 & FY22 as they were missing. In a nutshell we added 330.000 financial data points today and are currently working in order to go back beyond FY20 and have 10-20 years of supplemental datapoints for our companies. This is an important step as we need to be able for example to compare YoY variation of Accounts receivables in the context of potential red flags. We will keep you posted obviously with further updates. thanks again for your trust in VingeGPT.

RELEASE 20240601 - The investment universe has been updated with 3 new capital intensity ratios that are precalculated "CAPEX to sales", "CAPEX to profit", "CAPEX to Total Assets"

RELEASE 20240525 - We are sharing an update to the datasets. since this morning VingeGPT contains around 2.300 new datapoints related to historical returns. The dataset includes various datapoints for S&P500 returns, real estate prices in the US, US inflation/CPI, gold price, T-bill 3-months, T-bond 10-years, AAA Corporate Bonds, Baa Corporate bonds and more and this from 1927 to 2023. as an example you can prompt the model "which historical returns dataset points do you know ? provide this in a concatenated list" and "the list covers which years ? what is the total count of datapoints for the historical returns dataset ?". We have added a screenshot prompting VingeGPT this morning.

RELEASE 20240523 - We are sharing a functional update related to ROIC. We added to the industry/cost of capital database the datapoints about average industry ROIC and spread between cost of capital & ROIC for the industry. you can prompt Vinge by asking something similar to "what is the cost of capital for <industry>?". Accordingly the Level 1 analysis has been upgraded as well including now the mention of "Industry" in the output and next to the company "ROIC" you will see the "Industry ROIC" as well. you can see the screenshots that resulted from us performing a Level 1 analysis on Delta Airlines as an example. The database used is the database from Aswath Damodaran for all cost of capital related metrics. with thanks

RELEASE 20240517 - We have successfully updated the instructions of VingeGPT with "Knowledge 20240517" release that enhances the search function from the user feedback received this week to reduce errors on zero-shot prompts. We have also enhanced the instructions of VingeGPT to avoid generating errors when users are asking Vinge for current financial data. Vinge will search & transform "current" into "most recent" automatically to avoid glitches as currently neither Vinge nor OpenAI have real-time access to market information. Thanks on behalf of the VingeGPT team

RELEASE 20240510 - The Level 2 analysis to calculate the IVs has been updated. it now automatically calculates the intermediate IVs for shorter periods of 10 & 20 years on top of the standard 30 years period without terminal value. the prompt has not changed : "perform a Level 2 analysis of <the company>". here the screenshots with the prompts from the production roll-out this morning

RELEASE 20242503 - Investment universe data has been updated with Friday closing financial data. Small update to knowledge base to include the VingeGPT community link on discord and the link to the Udemy training

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